Our Products


Array WheelProbe


  • Due to its size (100mm) it is best suited to flat horizontal components, but will scan curved parts too with a simple adjustment of the array angle.
  • A central spring loaded roller ensures consistent coupling pressure across the sensor even when scanning narrow parts.
  • The 100 mm Array uses a 128 element phased array with 0.8 mm resolution which provides high quality, high resolution data.

  • Sonatest's patented array wheel probes are the result of many years of research and careful design in consultancy in the aerospace market.

    It features a wide 100mm conformable rubber tyre which is acoustically matched to water, providing low loss coupling into the test part for high quality results without the need for gel or large quantities of water.

    Typical applications include scanning aerospace aileron and fuselage, large area scanning, corrosion mapping, marine mast, scanning and a range of other composite testing requirements.