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STI - Product

S2K Flexible Sampling System

Very High performance Enhanced Gas Detector


  • Basic continuous & periodic sampling with adjustment time interval
  • Sample dilution for very high gas concentrations
  • Timer-controlled external bypass pump which improves sampling time, simplifies sample filtration requirements & reduces pump maintenance
  • Provide viable solution for difficult applications

The IST model S2K Sampling System is a flexible sampling system which is designed to condition the sample as required. This system not only brings the sample to the sensor, in many cases, it is the only viable solution to difficult applications. For instance, in applications where the sample concentration is too high for the sensor, the model S2K's ability to dilute samples allows the sensor to be exposed to the sample and provide an accurate reading. Another advantage of non-continuous sampling is the fact that the zero point is confirmed on every reading which increases the confidence level of the measurement.